Add Quiz

Select "Add a Quiz" at the left-hand side of your screen and you will see a form that will allow you to add a quiz. If you are not sure what the field means, click on it it to see the definition. All of the fields are required except the "Reference Document URL" and "Quiz Date" fields.

To add a quiz you will indicate Offline for the quiz status. When you have finished adding the quiz and testing it (See Test a Quiz), you can change the status to Online using Modify a Quiz.

Add Questions

After submitting the quiz information, you will note that there is a form to add the first question. Enter the question body in the Question #1 field. All of the quiz questions are multiple choice-type questions. You may have up to 10 choices for each question. Indicate the answer of the question by checking the radio button next to the choice.

After submitting the question material, you will see a very similar form to add the next question. The process will continue until you have added all questions. You may stop the function at any time and continue to add questions by using "Modify a Quiz". The information you have entered can be modified at this location.